Have you read the little blurb on MSN about Nicole Kidman and her study of the Old Testament? Kidman Brushes Up On Her Bible I found it very interesting. She was raised Catholic and never embraced Scientology like her ex-husband. She wants to learn the Hebrew Scriptures and then go to the Middle East and be active in such things as archeology...
Good for her. My hope is that it will be an experience, like an Ethiopian Eunuch had as recorded in the Greek Scriptures, where she finds herself reading from the Prophets and asks God for understanding. Whereupon she will encounter the living Lord in Jesus Christ.
Study hard Nicole.
Monday, April 25, 2005
A Widow's Mite
You remember the account from the Gospel of Mark chapter 12 starting at verse 41 and going through verse 44. A woman came to church and gave all that she had, which equaled less than a penny, and Jesus commented that she gave more than all the others because of degree of sacrifice not the amount. That was some 2000 years ago but I saw it yesterday!!!
We had a representative from a local Gideon Camp, the organization that places Bibles and Testaments all around the world, come and give a report during worship. After the closing of worship the Gideon rep. stood near the back of our meeting place with a Bible Open to receive any monies that anyone felt like giving. I had already placed money in an envelope and put it into the open Bible. Many others did the same. Then she came; a frail and wonderful seasoned Christian woman, not a widow, but never married. As I was talking with the Gideon rep. She emptied her change purse into the Bible. Immediately I was struck by God's Word...all that she had. I gave cheerfully. She gave sacrificially. I know God will use her gift in mighty ways and I know that He moved in me.
The Bible says that Holy Scripture is living and active, shaper than any sword and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. What a mighty God He is.
We had a representative from a local Gideon Camp, the organization that places Bibles and Testaments all around the world, come and give a report during worship. After the closing of worship the Gideon rep. stood near the back of our meeting place with a Bible Open to receive any monies that anyone felt like giving. I had already placed money in an envelope and put it into the open Bible. Many others did the same. Then she came; a frail and wonderful seasoned Christian woman, not a widow, but never married. As I was talking with the Gideon rep. She emptied her change purse into the Bible. Immediately I was struck by God's Word...all that she had. I gave cheerfully. She gave sacrificially. I know God will use her gift in mighty ways and I know that He moved in me.
The Bible says that Holy Scripture is living and active, shaper than any sword and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. What a mighty God He is.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Old Friend New Link
Just have to tell you what a thrill it was to see byron-harvey link to a friend of mine...actually more like one of those people God brings into your life to change who you are so that you are more like Christ...Keith Plummer is his name and his blog has been added to the "blogs you need to read" section in the sidebar over there to the left. It will be well worth your while to click on "The Christian Mind" link and read, read, read. I bless God for men like Keith and Byron...fight the good fight brothers.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Recommended Reading
Yes I know I haven’t written. My fault. I was out of town at a conference. It was an excellent experience that gave me the opportunity for further training professionally. That being said I have been out of the current event loop for a bit and am playing catch up. In the mean time I have to recommend to you the second best book I have ever read. [meaning: it challenged me personally in my walk with God] Title: “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in need of change helping people in need of change.” Author: Paul David Tripp.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
One to watch in MN
Heard it first this morning on talk radio, the MN house approved by a 77-56 margin sending an amendment to the voters in '06 that would ban gay marriage. The proposal would amend the State Constitution defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. The next step is for the senate to consider the measure. Like I said, one to watch in MN. Wonder what would happen in a blue state on such a "conservative" issue/value???
Friday, April 01, 2005
Fetus Disrespect
Well another person opens their mouth and totally sticks their foot in it. Which I must admit I share that same disease but still the twisted thinking of this individual just begs to be pointed out so that we can learn and hopefully tweak our own ways of thinking to be a bit more consistent.
It was an AP story that appeared two days ago by Robert Jablon Two Women Sought in Theft of Fetus who told of the theft of a 13 week old fetus from an exhibit at the California Science Center. Two women were caught on tape taking the preserved fetus from the exhibit. So far no one has been apprehended nor is there any indication of motive. I wonder if these women are fanatical evangelical/Catholic Christians who will be publicly destroyed and I most assuredly brought up on felonies of the worst kinds. Hay who knows maybe even under some statute of the law they will be classified as terrorists. We’ll just have to wait and see. But here is a quote from the director of the Institute who preserved this fetus, “"We are deeply concerned and disappointed by the theft of this invaluable and irreplaceable specimen," Angelina Whalley, director of the Institute for Plastination, said in a statement. “How can somebody do this ... it's such a disrespect," she said.
Ok, I think it is rather gross what these two women did regardless of their motives and so forth but the fact should not escape us that the specimen that is spoken of by this director is a human being. I don’t care how long people try and rearrange the vernacular a human is a human is a human. The euphemism of calling it a fetus or a specimen is down right dishonest.
To be fair I do not know the circumstances of the institute obtaining this specimen nor does it really matter to me. In the name of science, extenuating circumstance ignored, this human child should never have been preserved and then displayed anywhere much less in the California Science Center. Tell me Angelina where is the dignity in that. You claim it was disrespectful for the women to steal this specimen. Whom did they disrespect? Your institute? The public? The Science Center? The child? Oh well maybe if some respect was shown for the child before you turned it into an exhibit this wouldn’t even be a matter for me to write about. I can only hope and pray that your institute will truly live by your words and that this specimen will remain irreplaceable.
It was an AP story that appeared two days ago by Robert Jablon Two Women Sought in Theft of Fetus who told of the theft of a 13 week old fetus from an exhibit at the California Science Center. Two women were caught on tape taking the preserved fetus from the exhibit. So far no one has been apprehended nor is there any indication of motive. I wonder if these women are fanatical evangelical/Catholic Christians who will be publicly destroyed and I most assuredly brought up on felonies of the worst kinds. Hay who knows maybe even under some statute of the law they will be classified as terrorists. We’ll just have to wait and see. But here is a quote from the director of the Institute who preserved this fetus, “"We are deeply concerned and disappointed by the theft of this invaluable and irreplaceable specimen," Angelina Whalley, director of the Institute for Plastination, said in a statement. “How can somebody do this ... it's such a disrespect," she said.
Ok, I think it is rather gross what these two women did regardless of their motives and so forth but the fact should not escape us that the specimen that is spoken of by this director is a human being. I don’t care how long people try and rearrange the vernacular a human is a human is a human. The euphemism of calling it a fetus or a specimen is down right dishonest.
To be fair I do not know the circumstances of the institute obtaining this specimen nor does it really matter to me. In the name of science, extenuating circumstance ignored, this human child should never have been preserved and then displayed anywhere much less in the California Science Center. Tell me Angelina where is the dignity in that. You claim it was disrespectful for the women to steal this specimen. Whom did they disrespect? Your institute? The public? The Science Center? The child? Oh well maybe if some respect was shown for the child before you turned it into an exhibit this wouldn’t even be a matter for me to write about. I can only hope and pray that your institute will truly live by your words and that this specimen will remain irreplaceable.
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