Friday, January 11, 2008

Ooops...I filtered it too

Found this on the web recently. Thought it was worth a link.

I'm not sure exactly what to think about this. So as I consider how this applies to loving God with my whole mind. I know that I can tell you how I feel. Which would be loving God with my whole heart.

First I am glad that Tebow claimed that Jesus was his Lord and Savior. It seems to me that when a professional athlete experiences their fifteen seconds of fame they should witness of their saving faith. I can also extend grace to Tebow. He didn't claim the forgiveness of his sins by the completed work of the Cross but I guess that is wrapped up in his "title" for Jesus...his Lord and Savior.

The problem the "saved" face today is that most people who aren't "saved" don't have the foggiest idea nor most likely do they really care to be "saved." "Saved from what?" In all fairness to Tebow didn't have time to enter into a conversation about salvation with the news media so should he have kept his faith he shouldn't have but the idea that the authors of the article were putting forward was their personal dismay at the media ignoring Tebow's comment.

Second I feel pity for the columnists. Is this news to you? Whining about not being invited to the prom by the Main Stream Media is a colossal waste of time. Maybe the authors of the article could have helped Tebow out and presented the rest of the Gospel. They commit the same error that they claim the media made the day after Tebow won the Heisman. They filtered his message.

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