Friday, March 04, 2005

The PAC Cable giants and their contributuons...aka watch out Peter

Ok I'm over a month behind...blah. I did the checking online at and they have numbers listed there for the contributions to Dem and Rep candidates for 2004. I looked at three cable companies and threw Disney in for the heck of it. INFO: Adelphia Cable- total Dem contribution in House=$500; total Rep contribution in the House=$0; Total Dem contribution in the Senate=$0; Total Rep in the Senate=$3,000. National Cable & Telecommunication Assn- Total Dem contribution in the House=$344,409; Total Rep contribution in the House=$542,862; Total Dem contribution in the Senate=$109,996 Total Rep contribution in the Senate=$105,000. Comcast Corp- total Dem contribution in House=$109,450 Total Rep contribution in House=$168,050; Total Dem contribution in the Senate=$66,300 Total Rep contribution in the Senate=$62,300...ok and just for fun Disney- Dem in House total=#99,000 Rep in the House=$91,500; Dem in Senate=$53,000 Rep in Senate=$49,000.

The only result for the Presidential candidate was from Comcast= $5,000 to Bush, $250 to Kerry.

Number are numbers right? They don't lie right? Please!!! Nowhere did Peter or ABC mention that the twp Democrats that gave the rebuttal to the Presidents State of the Union Address total #9,000 in contribution by Comcast or their link to pornography on demand. [Boxer = $4,000, Reid = $5,000] And just to add insult to injury the failed re-election of Daschle in ND cost Comcast $10,000...whatever.

The point is that the bias of ABC and Jennings isn't a surprise what is a surprise is that they continue to fail to understand that for a significant portion of the American public a two minute hatchet piece on the Bush Presidency just doesn't wash anymore. Peace

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