Thursday, September 29, 2005


ANGER, OUTRAGE, SICK TO MY STOMACH, AND DEEP DEEP SADNESS. Actually as I type my eyes are full of tears. We, Christians, all have those 'causes' that we 'support' in our Christian experience. Some of us see politics as an arena that MUST be engaged by all thoughtful Christians, others of us hold high the "BIBLICAL MANDATE" to transform the culture we live in, still others of us would go on a CRUSADE to see gambling stopped or the environment cleaned up. All of these are good and things that are important to God as well. We should see the world we live in through a Biblical/Christian Worldview and engage it on that basis.

If you have been reading this blog along the way you know what issue is very near the top of my list. And a story I just read has absolutely sent me through the roof and into the basement.

The BBC is reporting a story about human fetuses being discovered inside religious iconic statuary and so forth. The destination of the shipment was Miami. There is a picture of these babies in plastic baggies.

I will not be linking to the article. If you want to read it for yourself find it. I will however quote the article to show you what sent me into such a difficult emotional place. "Colombian police chief Gen Jord Alirio Varon said the four- to five-month-old foetuses could have been intended for use in Satanic rituals."

Ok all you pro-choicers explain it to me? EXPLAIN your position again as to why this human being should be aborted and used, 'possibly', for a Satanic ritual in Miami.

I do not advocate a violent reaction to any abortion provider or any pro-choice advocate but for the love of humanity someone explain this.

Or wait, let me explain it. This is sick, but more than that it is sin. In the human heart this is what exists. So next time you run into a 'good person' who should go to heaven because they are really good remember that it false. There is none who is righteous none who seek God. No one can come to the Father unless the Father draws that person. Bottom line...apart from Jesus Christ and His payment for my sin and yours we have no hope.

I know it's an abrupt stop but I have to go and pray. Will you join me?

Lord, Have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Follow the bouncing ball: part 2

On July 25th I posted the first bouncing ball. "Senator Hillary Clinton was going to support John Roberts." Well today Drudge has the flop to her flip...wonder if she learned that from her husband? But I digress. Hillary to vote no on Roberts The article will most likely move by tomorrow so just go to drudge and search the archive.
Senator is this just political growth? What happened? Didn't you want to "...I have an obligation to my constituents to make sure that I cast my vote for Chief Justice of the United States for someone I am convinced will be steadfast in protecting fundamental women's rights, civil rights, privacy rights, and who will respect the appropriate separation of powers among the three branches." on July 25th? Will you have these same tendencies if you do run for the White House or can you learn something from President Bush and actually do what you say and say what you mean? Ahhh...NY voters, smell the coffee please.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pat Leahy talks of integrity

Sorry Senator that ship sailed a long time ago. But hay I'll give you credit for supporting a candidate you know you can't stop from being confirmed. Not to mention one whom if you did try and stop the voting public might remember that you voted no and likewise further erode your base in Vermont. Ooops never mind....Vermont...Howard Dean country right? Retracting the ooops and asking...Are you going to run for President in '08 Senator?

Leahy to back Roberts for SCOTUS

Vicar Hinton be careful

"The Reverend Michael Hinton was launching his work at Canterbury Cathedral in southern England, the headquarters of the Anglican Church." The 'work' referred to in this article is a condensed version of the Bible that should take only about 100 minutes to read.

I wonder if the vicar included the portion in Deuteronomy and Revelation that quotes God as warning people not to add or subtract from His words or face the consequences. In Revelation the plagues will be added to that person...Yikes. Vicar it may not be too late. Pull the plug.

And remember brothers and sisters, "but for the grace of God go we."
100 Minute Bible


Monday, September 19, 2005

Amy Grant and Her genie NBC: Three Wishes

I remember when I first heard her beautiful voice. "Thy Word" simply spoke to my innermost being. I still have the cassette around here somewhere. But then all the hula-baloo surrounded her move to the "mainstream" and things got ugly. I am not drudgeing that back up regardless how relevant it may be to her current endeavors and making wishes come true. I would direct your attention to my friend Keith over at The Christian Mind. I read him everyday...almost. Our Morning Worship will continue after this message from NBC

And let me add this...the conversation within our own house was between my oldest son and me, "Why doesn't God give us three wishes Dad?" The wonderful truth of God's Providence was boiled down to, "Because that isn't how God works." Someday son, I promise to explain it better.


Calling all Preachers

Just found this on Agape Press Silence from Pulpit on Spiritual, Moral Issues Disturbs L.A. Radio Host

The author nails it. And I agree if not us who, if not now when, if not truth what? Could it be that we fear losing our jobs? It wasn't a job that you looked for was it? Wasn't it a calling form Almighty God Himself?

Dr. Schaeffer was right!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Clinton and His cronies

You only have to read the first paragraph of this one but go ahead and read the whole thing. And from the NYTimes nonetheless.

FAA warns of terrorism in '98

Calling strikes and balls

By now you have probably heard or seen in the beginning of the confirmation hearings fro Judge John Roberts his comment concerning the way in which he views the SCOTUS. He said that his job would be to call strikes and balls not pitch and bat. Wow what an insightful comment not only for him in this process. Nor only for his view of the SCOTUS but for all of life.

I like to call it 'knowing your role.' And we all need a little more of it in our lives. For example what is my role in helping my fellow Americans in the deep south after a horrible hurricane. I can sit here all I want and bemoan the length of time of response, which I do not find much of a lag, we aren't talking about FEMA or the Federal Governement or even State and Local Governement as if it were McDonald's are we??? Shame. Nor is it my role to politicize this as an issue on one side of the aisle or the other. People need help. What is my role? Prayer, money, opening my home to displced people? And so on. For that alone he should be confirmed. He has a great attitutde in knowing his role.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Not for the squeamish: PETA and human exceptionalism

[the contents of this post can be highly offensive: read having been cautioned]

The Alliance Defense Fund linked to an article yesterday that appeared in the online version of the weeklystandard. The main content concerned a public debate that is happening in the state of Washington with respect to beastiality. The debate has been ongoing for many years but recently heated up because of a man that died while engaging in his perversion. There are no laws in Washington against beastiality.

The reason I draw your attention to this vile behavior and the articles in the weeklystandard is because of the impact in the public square that groups like PETA and other environmentalist extremists can have. When they make statements like, "We are all animals" that go unchallenged and become part of the fiber of culture they inadvertently or with a degree of calculation give acceptance and rationality to blatant sin. The latest case in Washington is beastiality as normal. Not only normal, but anyone who argues that it isn't morally acceptable to copulate across species and to hold a belief that humans are exceptional simply for being human are guilty of "speciesism." Specieism is discrimination against animals.

Now I fully hope that anyone reading this post will see and declare the utter folly of such discrimination. But in the arena of ideas in the public square when one engages in the logic and thought processes of groups like PETA one begins to trample upon sacred ground. What I refer to is the theological truth that we are created in the image of God. No horse, no cow, no cat, no dog was made in His image. We are exceptional because of that not just simply because we are human.

No one I know or speak to wants to needlessly use animals for tests that are abusive and cruel to animals. And I do believe that such tests occur and they ought not. But to open the door to PETA and ideas like "specieism" is intellectually vacant. A Christian worldview cannot include such vacancy. Think about it and begin to engage PETA and the like with a consistent worldview.

[a local example of my guilt as a person who suffers from specieism: I love the bumper sticker some have where I live that reads, "PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals