Monday, September 19, 2005

Amy Grant and Her genie NBC: Three Wishes

I remember when I first heard her beautiful voice. "Thy Word" simply spoke to my innermost being. I still have the cassette around here somewhere. But then all the hula-baloo surrounded her move to the "mainstream" and things got ugly. I am not drudgeing that back up regardless how relevant it may be to her current endeavors and making wishes come true. I would direct your attention to my friend Keith over at The Christian Mind. I read him everyday...almost. Our Morning Worship will continue after this message from NBC

And let me add this...the conversation within our own house was between my oldest son and me, "Why doesn't God give us three wishes Dad?" The wonderful truth of God's Providence was boiled down to, "Because that isn't how God works." Someday son, I promise to explain it better.


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